30 Nov 134. Let’s Bring Them Together

In this week’s inspirational episode of Inside the Wolf’s Den, Shawn and Joni welcome successful entrepreneur Lee Arnold. Lee is an internationally renowned speaker, trainer, author, and licensed broker who has spent many years mastering real estate and the lending process through thousands of transactions. He is a leading expert on private money mortgages and has been featured as an investment strategy expert by Forbes, the Boston Globe, MarketWatch, Reuters, and Business Week. Lee is an expert at networking, bringing together, and establishing connections between private investors and borrowers from all around the US and Canada. To leverage the power of these relationships, Lee and the Secured Investment Corp’s executive leadership team have created Cogo Capital – The Private Money Company, Lake City Servicing, and The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing. This family of companies is among the fastest-growing private money mortgage firms in the United States. Integrity and trust are essential components of Lee and his company’s principles. These values are founded on a deep commitment to biblical values. In addition, Lee is personally devoted to helping others and is the founder of He’s the Solution Ministries. The mission of He’s The Solution Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is to put God first. This is the cornerstone upon which all of Lee’s companies are based. He’s The Solution Ministries host the popular Be Bold for Jesus annual conference.
Cogo Capital Link: https://cogocapital.com
Lake City Servicing Link: https://lakecityservicing.com
The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing Link: https://leearnoldsystem.com/lp/
He’s The Solution Ministries Link: https://hesthesolution.com
Be Bold for Jesus Link: https://bebold4jesus.org